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10 Tips for Getting Your Security Deposit Back

signing a lease security deposit renting

Review Your Lease

The first and best defense for getting the security deposit back is to thoroughly review your lease. Understand what you’re getting into when you move into the home, and you’ll know what to expect when you move out.

But what if you’re already living in your rental—is it too late to track your agreement? Absolutely not. Any time you want to do work to your home and aren’t sure if it will count against your security deposit, whether it’s painting a room or changing a light fixture, contact your landlord and ask. The best way to do this is not by phone or text, but by email, as it creates an easily checked written record. That way, if one person in your rental office says you’re fine to paint your walls bright blue but you’re dinged on the security deposit when you move out, you’ll be able to prove your case.

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