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Kids Desks With Storage: 9 Great Ideas

Homework Desk

How to Choose the Right Desk for Your Kid

Setting up a comfortable work space for your child is essential to their success in school and creative expression. Here’s what to consider when choosing a desk that will meet your child’s needs.

Consider Size

When kids use an adult-size table or desk, their feet usually dangle off the chair, and they’re forced to slouch and hunch their shoulders. The right size desk provides the comfort and support they need.

If the desk doesn’t come with a chair, choose the correct size chair first. When sitting in a chair, your child’s feet should rest comfortably on the ground, and their knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle. Once you have the chair, find a desk that allows about eight inches of clearance between the seat of the chair and the desktop.

Storage Is Essential

Built-in storage encourages your child to properly organize and take responsibility for their things. With easy access to storage, kids can clear their work space quickly for improved focus.

Material and Style

Make sure your child’s desk is sturdy but not too heavy to move. For the design, if possible, let your child help you choose the color and style. If they have a say in choosing a desk and creating their workspace, they may be more motivated to do their schoolwork there.

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