Retrofit Your Garage Door Openers to Work With Wi-Fi

garage door opener wi-fi

Garage Wi-Fi

An open garage door is an invitation to thieves. In the blink of an eye, they can make off with bikes, mowers and sports equipment. If you have an attached garage, leaving your garage door open is the best way for burglars to enter your home and steal even more! And face it, how many times have you forgotten to close your garage door at night? Yeah, we thought so.

Solve the problem by retrofitting your garage door openers with a Wi-Fi controller, and check out our guide for how to secure your garage from thieves. A Wi-Fi controller and smartphone app lets you check door status from anywhere and close it with a screen click. The app allows you to set a nightly closing time so you never forget or close the door if its been open too long. Plus, the app can send you an alert if the door is opened when your not home.

Installation is easy, but you do have to check your Wi-Fi signal strength and garage door opener compatibility before you buy.

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